I was going to type in our vows but as I was looking at our copies, I just had to scan them in, there are some really adorable and revealing details that I just can't type. So here they are in all their glory, scribbled, stained with what I can only call party juice, folded in twenty-thirds, wrung out, and magical.
The word "marriage" is emphasized because he actually said it like The Princess Bride priest...everyone laughed even if they didn't know what they were laughing at. He committed to it and it definitely payed off.
Look at these notes I found on the other side of the paper...
nose?! he said he was trying to find ways to subtly embarrass me ...lol, good luck.
I had written mine at work, copied them to my iphone and decided last minute, as my hair was being done to write them onto some of Elle's note cards because the girls suggested I might not want to read them from the phone in case it rang...that's what girls are for, right?
You know I had to quote the JB...
if you're paying attention, (you're already doing better than I was) you'll notice I copied the same line twice above. Jason noticed me pausing to correct it and mentioned it later...did anyone else?

I did it again here but caught myself and crossed it out.
"maybe go camping with you" was a small hit

And to think he was nervous...