One hundred whole days left!
I'm ready. I've pretty much got most everything taken care of. Of course last minute changes are always expected and even though this isn't very last minute, it is a plan change.
The original plan was to print the save-the-dates on handkerchiefs. Guests could then use those as hankies to wave during the second line parade, which was then planned for after the ceremony. But that would involve approximately 200 people remembering to bring a hankie they got in January to a wedding in October...and we all know that isn't gonna happen.
So then the plan evolved to printing the programs on the handkerchief. Don't worry about how. I am a super crafter, dont ya know. I actually have already cut and prepared 200 handkerchiefs for this express purpose. But then I was reconsidering. I've just recently finished hemming and embroidering thirty handkerchiefs, and my arthritic fingers are telling me there is no way I can do that for almost 7 times that amount! So it's back to the drawing board we go. And these programs from and (duh) serve as inspiration.

I really like the mismatchy covers of these programs...

This bow binding looks pretty simple.

Love these wooden sheets or couldn't I just design it so it looks like a wooden sheet?

I am always looking for another excuse to show off our engagement photos.

The bride's niece drew this super cute likeness. Who wants to draw me one?

Love the way the pencils are attached to this. Might use for activity book!

Love the whimsical, storybook theme of these programs.
So during the second line, please use your beverage or cake napkin for waving. Speaking of cake napkins...homemade personalized cake napkins - $6. More on that later. Second line parade will now end the entire reception. So make sure you grab your purse. Maybe things will change again...who knows?! And what will the programs end up like? I guess you will have to come to the wedding and see...